// Types of DLP

Selecting the Right DLP For your Company

There are different types of DLP solutions available, such as network-based and endpoint-based DLP. Network-based DLP solutions monitor network traffic and data flows to prevent data breaches, while endpoint-based DLP solutions are installed on individual devices to monitor data usage and movement. It’s important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all DLP solution, and choosing the right solution depends on various factors, such as the type of data you need to protect, the size of your organization, and the industry you operate in. If you’re unsure which DLP solution is best for your organization, contact us to discuss your data protection needs and evaluate our solution’s effectiveness in meeting those needs.

// WiderWorld DLP Key Features

WiderWorld DLP that's Powerful, Practical, and Painless.

Protected Zone

Protected zones can be used to enforce stricter access controls and monitoring for specific types of sensitive data, such as trade secrets or financial information. This helps to maintain a high level of control over the data while minimizing any potential disruption to daily operations. Specific actions, such as copying, saving, or printing data, are carefully monitored and controlled within the protected zone. This balances the IT team's workload by not setting overly restrictive rules and minimizing user impact.

Ease of Policy Maintenance
By defining specific areas where sensitive data is stored and protected, policy maintenance can be simplified. Instead of needing to define policies for the entire network, policies can be focused on the protected zones where sensitive data is stored, reducing the complexity of policy maintenance. This creates more flexibility in how policies are defined, as the focus can be on specific types of data rather than the entire network, allowing IT teams to focus on other critical tasks by reducing workload.

"Data Leak From Screen" Protection
Some types of DLP cannot prevent data leakage from screen protection, as users may be able to take screenshots or photos of sensitive information. However, watermarking capabilities can help address this issue. By adding watermarks to the screen, the user who accessed the data and the time of access can be identified. It is easier to track down the source of the leak if it does occur. This can help deter employees from leaking sensitive data, as they are aware that any leaked information can be traced back to them.

Minimal Server Encryption
With the Protected Zone approach, WiderWorld DLP does not encrypt files on the server side (Client Side Encryption is Optional). Not only it can provide better performance for protected files operation. Minimal server encryption means better flexibility and reversibility to cope with organizations’ future business needs and data protection approaches. By not relying on server-side encryption, organizations can more easily migrate or modify their data protection practices without needing to decrypt and re-encrypt large amounts of data.


See WiderWorld DLP Solution in Action

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